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id#NS00594: Lisen
San Diego County's
No-kill Cat Rescue
Visit us at WWW.SDCATS.ORG
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[picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white\ cat]

GENDER: Female (sterilized)
BREED: Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white
Estimated Birthday: 10/5/03
LITTER: lucas'n'lisen
  • Lisen is sweet and affectionate, but not demanding of attention.
  • Though she's confident and independent, she too has quite a ""motor"" when she's getting a belly rub and is happy and content!
  • Lisen gets along well with non-aggressive cats.
  • She prefers a cardboard scratcher (or your upholstery -- got to watch her!).
  • Lisen and her brother were adopted from CATS as young kittens, but were sent away at 8 years of age when their owner ""traded them in"" for a new baby instead. She's now been back with us for over a year.
  • Lisen had a blood panel and complete dental procedure just before she was returned, and so should be ""good to go"" for a long time to come!
  • Adoption fee waived for approved adopters age 60 y.+
    Consider taking me home with one of my littermates:
  • [another picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white\ cat]

    We place cats only into San Diego County homes, and are unable to "ship" cats.
    Free to Senior Citizens!, or Adoption Contribution: $60 Your contribution helps cover basic care furnished to all cats.

    To adopt, complete and return "Questionnaire" downloaded from this link.

    [picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white cat] [picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white cat] [picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white cat]
    [picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white cat] [picture of Lisen, a Domestic Short Hair gray tabby/white cat]


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