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id#NS03533: Sam I've been Adopted
San Diego County's Non-profit No-kill Cat Rescue
Visit us at WWW.SDCATS.ORG
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[picture of Sam, a Siamese-x flamepoint\ cat]

GENDER: Male (sterilized)
BREED: Siamese-x flamepoint
DOB: 7/31/09
  • Beautiful and super purry.
  • But he knows what he likes and doesn't like -- and he'll let you know too!
  • Gets along with other cats, after he makes sure they know he's the boss -- but he's be quite happy as the only one.
  • Recently had eyelid surgery on his right eye, so it looks just a little different from the other, but no further treatment is necessary.
  • [another picture of Sam, a Siamese-x flamepoint\ cat]

    Thanks for your interest. Even though I have a new family -- I have lots friends of mine that need homes too! See all the other cats --click here.
    [picture of Sam, a Siamese-x flamepoint cat] [picture of Sam, a Siamese-x flamepoint cat] [picture of Sam, a Siamese-x flamepoint cat]


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